Congratulations & Thank YOU for Being The One!
Outline of training for The One Philosophy Certification
Welcome to the training resource page for The One Philosophy Certification. My name is Nancy Matthews (but you already knew that) and I will be taking you through this course over the next 6 months.
Monthly Group Training Calls
Commencing May 9th
Scheduled for the SECOND TUESDAY of each month at 5:00pm (eastern)
Conference Line: 712-432-0900, Code 316545# -
Your 2 One-on-One Sessions
Go to:
The One Experience *LIVE*
You are granted admission to all live events for The One Experience
Mark Your Calendar - Next Event is scheduled for August 19th in Fort Lauderdale (details to follow) -
The One Products for Resale
You will need to provide the following items to set up your items for resale: (1) Brief bio (less than 200 words) (2) Headshot (3) Paypal or other payment link
We will work out the details during you one-on-one session
Upcoming Training Dates:
All at 5pm (eastern)
Conference Line 712-432-0900,
Code 316545
May 9th
June 13th
July 11th
August 8th
September 12th
October 10th
The One Experience
Next Date: August 19th
Bonus Session for Trainers
August 18th from 6 to 8 pm
Training Call Replays & Assignments
Training Call
Tuesday, August 8th
Once again I am awed by your commitment to living the way of The One and having it make a big difference in your own life as well as the lives of others.
As you move through the next month, pay particular attention to NEW situations that arise allowing you to be aware of how you can shift, apply the principles and experience living the way of The One.
For those of you who were unable to join us on the live call, please listen to the replay and then send me an email that describes a story of how you experienced Being The One in the face of a circumstance or situation where your initial reaction may have been one of judgment, anger or blame.

In preparation for our next call on September 12th 5 pm (eastern), please note the following:
- This next training will be a WEBINAR and we will use ZOOM.
- Please be sure to be at your computer (or have the app installed on your phone).
- The purpose is to guide you through the presentation so that you can get out and start sharing!
And as always, continue to keep a record as you observe situations and your behavior and responses. This will support you in developing your presentations (as well as your leadership qualities and capacity).
Training Call
Tuesday, July 11th
Hello Amazing Ones!
Thank you for your honesty and authenticity and ... BEING THE ONE!
Wow ... you all shared such open and honest stories of your experience over the previous month observing your own behavior and being able to RESPOND rather than REACT to situations. Isn't it amazing how our lives and the lives of the people we love improves as we become more aware of our own triggers, behaviors and opportunities to Be The One.
For those of you who were unable to join us on the live call, please listen to the replay and then send me an email that describes a story of how you experienced Being The One in the face of a circumstance or situation where your initial reaction may have been one of judgment, anger or blame.

In preparation for our next call on August 8th 5 pm (eastern), please do the following:
- Continue observing your responses and your personal growth and expansion from deepening your practice of living the way of The One
- Create a list of 1 story for each of the 6 principles - in particular find stories that demonstrate contrast from a way of being BEFORE taking on The One at a deeper level and what you've learned and the new experience
- For those who will be at the 8/19 event, please come to the call prepared to share the story you want to present at the event
And as always, continue to keep a record as you observe situations and your behavior and responses. This will support you in developing your presentations (as well as your leadership qualities and capacity).
Training Call
Tuesday, June 13th
In preparation for our next call on July 11th at 5 pm (eastern), please do the following:
- Continue gathering stories related to the principles to share when you speak
- Observe your behavior with awareness of living the principles, paying particular attention to:
- Extreme Listening - When in conversation, allow the other person to speak first and then allow a minimum of 4 seconds before you speak. This ensures they have completed the thought they want to convey to you. (Note: Some people are slower and may need you to wait up to 10 seconds.)
- What happens when your buttons get pushed? Do you go to blame or anger at another person?
- Gossiping - as we gather with people we haven't seen in a long time, be mindful that you don't get pulled into gossip. How will you respond? Silence is often considered agreement.
Keep a record of what you observe, writing down in a journal or notebook to preserve the memory and experience.
Be prepared to share situations where YOU have improved how you show up. After all...we're always growing and improving!
Foundation Training Call
Tuesday, May 9th
In preparation for our next call on June 13th at 5 pm (eastern), please do the following:
- Re-Read The One Philosophy (ensure it is the NEW version)
- Relating to 6 principles shared in the book, find a minimum of 3 stories that represent an experience or lesson related to that principle. Write the stories down and be prepared to share at least 1 on the call.
- Do the Values exercise on pages 45-46
- Schedule your first One-on-One with Nancy CLICK HERE