The Little Message with a BIG Impact

"To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world." ~ Dr. Seuss

Discover How To #BeTheOne Every Day

Enchance Your Life & the Lives of Everyone You Meet with These 6 Simple Principles for Living the Way of The One

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Living The Way of The One

Being The One for Others

Taking the time to value, honor and appreciate the people in your life ... isn't that what we all would truly love to do?

About the Author, Nancy Matthews: International Speaker, Leadership, Sales & Marketing Expert +

Nancy brings more than 30 years of experience and the perfect blend of business acumen and authenticity to all of her endeavors. After 20 years in corporate and dabbling in entrepreneurship on the side, in 2002 Nancy went into business for herself and the rest, as they say, is history.  She is known as the "Visionary with Guts" for her persistence in going for her goals and dreams despite apparent obstacles or challenges and works with individuals and organizations to support them in achieving stellar results.

As a single mother of two amazing children (now all grown up), Nancy knows first-hand how to juggle the many demands on our time and energy to achieve extraordinary goals and enjoy the journey!

Author of The One Philosophy, Visionaries with Guts, the highly acclaimed Receiving Your Riches Course and the Best Selling Series, Journey to the Stage.  Nancy is regularly featured in the media and has shared the stage with some of today’s top thought leaders and business experts.

Nancy Matthews

When you live in the perfect order of things - first by BEING The One for others - that is the place from which our existence is meant to function. And - as a result, living the way of The One then brings you the realization and fruition of your goals and dreams.

Nancy Matthews

You Will Love This Powerful Book


This book is for you if you're someone who ...

  • Making A Difference

    Thrives on making a positive difference for yourself and others

  • Values Continuous Learning & Growth

    Understands the value of continuous learning and growth and you’re willing to invest in yourself.

  • Going for More!

    Someone who is going for more in your life and you’re willing to take more action than the average person is to achieve your goals.

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Nice Things Folks Say

"A powerful, life-enhancing book."

The One Philosophy is a powerful, life-enhancing book. It's the very embodiment of the saying that great things come in small packages. Following the principles set forth in this book is the way we're meant to live and experience each other. It will result in a more abundant life...for you, and for those whose lives you touch.


~ Bob Burg, Co-Author of The Go-Giver

"This little book ... surely does hold a big message..."

This little book, The One Philosophy, surely does hold a big message...the secret to a fulfilled and purposeful life is to focus on serving others first. Thank you Nancy Matthews for highlighting this important code for living.


~ Sharon Lechter, Author of Think and Grow Rich for Women, Co-author of Outwitting the Devel, Three Feet from Gold and Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Don't judge a book by its cover...

Conventional wisdom tells us not to judge a book by its cover. By reading Nancy Matthews' book, The One Philosophy, you will realize how so much wisdom can be imparted into a small book. I read the book and love the knowledge that Nancy shares with her readers.


~ Don M. Green, Executive Director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation

Discover How to #BeTheOne Every Day

Enhance Your Life & the Lives of Everyone You Meet with These 6 Simple Principles for Living The Way of The One
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